Good morning bitch boy. I thought I’d check in on how you were doing, seeing as it’s been about a month since I transformed you from my work colleague into my personal bitch, having you completing my workload for me as well as yours, whilst taking your wages away. I’ve had complete control of your cock, edging you daily before and after work, denying you orgasms or sex and although you’ve been doing well, I want MORE! You see all this free time I’ve had from transferring my workload onto you has left me thinking up so many devious ways to make better use of you. As you edge your dick watching me remove my office wear and strip down to my lingerie, I remind you Christmas is coming and I want to be spoilt rotten with gifts from your credit card. So I’ll be stepping up your training, call it a little kick up your ass. Or perhaps that should be a cock up your ass, bitch boy
Date: March 1, 2022
Ass / Big Tits / Bitch / Boy / British / Cock / Dick / Domination / Femdom / Humiliation / Jerk Off / Jerking / Lingerie / Office / Pov / Sex / Solo / Strapon / Striptease / Tits / WatchingPov, Femdom, 1080P, Humiliation, Clips4Sale Com, Femdom Pov, Big Tits, Mental Domination, Lingerie, Jerk Off Encouragement, Jerk Off Instruction, Non Nude, British, Office Domination, Strap On, No Sex, Solo Only, Dommelia
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