I would like to talk to you personally since I noticed you looking at me for a while now. It's time I take control. With me being in the same room as you, there's no way back. I got proof, you know... Plus, there's absolutely no way you can resist me. I'm too hot to handle. You do as I say, or... I'm going to tell your wifey.
Date: April 3, 2022
Boss / Domination / Female / Femdom / Fetish / Goddess / High Definition / Humiliation / Office / Pov / TeasingPov, 1080P, Humiliation, Hd, Female Domination, Blackmail, Blackmail Fantasy, Homewrecker, Office Domination, Home Wrecker, Homewrecker Fantasy, Office Outfit, Homewrecking, Goddess Amber, Blackmailing, Blackmail Fetish, Office Humiliation, Office Tease
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